Thursday, April 14, 2011

#893 Reel 2 Real - "I Like To Move It"

No, i'm serious. And i realize its now in a Disney movie of something, but back in 1994 when this some came out, producer Eric Morillo was having all kinds of success producing records for Strictly Rhythm Records. This song was his most popular and perhaps one of the very first crossover house/mainstream songs of the 90s. The first time i heard this song was in March 1994. Dark, crowded Baltimore warehouse...played by DJ Moby.....i had it stuck in my head for months afterwards. That night i had stuck in my head forever.


  1. Matt Conlon sent over. The time period of this song I was listening to old jazz. This is the first time I've this song. Now it will be in my head for a week. But I'm going to follow along with your countdown.
